Wednesday, August 3, 2011


today i was schooled by one of my patients.  in a good way, not a bad way.  i knew my patient had recently begun radiation and chemotherapy, so i thought i'd call her and see how she was doing, and let her know i was thinking about her.  immediately she started telling me how kind everyone was at the cancer center and how nice and funny her surgeon was, how they were telling jokes and what a good experience she was having.  and in hearing her say all this it struck me that another person could go through the same thing and have an entirely different take on it.  it was her goodness and kindness and humor that brought those qualities out in the people around her.
the reason i say i was schooled is because when i picked up the phone to call her, i thought it would be me making her feel good, instead she is out there in the world making all the people around her feel good.  what a gift! 


  1. I'm thinking that you did make her feel good. Your post certainly made me feel good...and quite proud.

  2. It was nice of you to call her. However, when you are going through those kinds of treatment almost everyone is exceptionally kind to you.
